Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doctor Visits: An update

I haven’t given too many real details of pregnancy on this blog yet aside from funny anecdotes primarily because it’s easier to be funny for me than show fear or sadness.  So I didn’t post about the bad news we received during our first Dr. visit on December 23rd.

LUCKILY, the news we received on January 6th was all positive!

So here’s what happened:

Based on the date of the first day of my last period, PLUS the date that we thought we conceived (Nov. 17th), we should have been 7 weeks pregnant at our first Dr. visit on December 23rd.

After looking at the ultrasound, our Doctor said that the size of the embryo was closer to 6 weeks than 7.  After talking with us about alternate dates of conception, we were pretty adamant about Nov. 17th because we remember having unprotected sex that day and didn’t recall an encounter like that later on that week.

So based on that the Doctor told us that it’s possible his calculations were wrong OR that our embryo had stopped growing. He assured us that we were young and if we lost this baby it wouldn’t mean we couldn’t have children. But he did tell us not to get too excited about the pregnancy yet and he referred us to an imaging center to have a second ultrasound.

The ultrasound on January 6th showed that the fetus progressed in size the correct amount, so we’re doing fine!

It just means we didn’t conceive when we thought, and that my menstrual cycle was super-wonky that month so I didn’t ovulate at the “right” time based on my period start date—which makes sense because that was the month of my wedding and my period actually came 4 or 5 days EARLY that month.  (Awesome for us since then I didn’t have it on our honeymoon! That would have been a bummer!)

So we’re still cautiously optimistic that the pregnancy is sticking. For a while my husband kept asking me on a daily basis if I still felt pregnant and I did/do!

My official due date is now August 14th. Tracking due dates based on last period alone it should have been August 10th. So it’s a difference of 4 days which seems like soooooo not a big deal. But at early stages of development, it’s really important for the baby to stay on track, which I think we are.

Going to the doctor again this Friday, followed by genetic tests the following week so hopefully everything stays on track!!

Fingers crossed J

P.S. Our kid is now the size of a prune. Hence, this photo.


  1. Great news! I hope it all continues to go well :)

  2. So does that mean it was not a honeymoon baby like you thought? It was slightly before or after?
